October 30, 2020

Best Practice Series: 9 ways to use over-time virtual engagements

Virtual engagements can be endlessly customized – here are the nine most popular ways to engage groups online.

Over-time virtual meetings facilitate robust discussions, don’t require travel, and let participants contribute whenever it’s convenient for them. Within3 has years of experience helping clients choose the right approach – check out the top ways clients use over-time engagements to achieve their goals.

Single asynchronous session

Instead of inviting participants to be in the same place at the same time, hold a session over a period of days or weeks. Everyone can participate on their own schedule, from any device.

In-person meeting + session

Hold an over-time session to refine an agenda or build consensus before an in-person meeting, or after a live event to review action steps or send follow-up communications.

Webcast + session

Retain a personal element by combining a webcast with a virtual over-time session. By adding a virtual over-time session, teams ensure every voice is heard.

Expert panel

Establish a standing team of experts to provide insight with a quick turnaround. Panel members won’t need to rearrange their schedules and you’ll build trusted relationships with experts.

Steering committee

Ensure a high level of participation by eliminating scheduling obstacles and save time by disseminating schedules, agendas, and materials for review ahead of time.

Content review + collaboration

Eliminate the confusion of multiple versions by moving content review and collaboration online. Authors can review drafts or add comments in a familiar, secure format.

Content modules

Keep contributors focused and engaged by breaking up dense content into smaller modules that are released over time.

Multi-stakeholder session

Need to obtain feedback about the same subject from two different groups? In a virtual environment, each group can have a dedicated conversation or individuals can answer questions privately.

Regional session

Get a better understanding of how key issues affect stakeholders in different geographies, or leverage content created once across many regions to maximize ROI.

Wondering what type of virtual engagement is best for your application? Our client success team works with clients to create customized sessions that yield the best possible results. To learn more about the possibilities, check out some of our custom work.

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