October 1, 2021

Event recap: Mexico Health Summit

Join Within3 CEO Lance Hill and Takeda’s Estefania Torres to learn how life science teams are using hybrid virtual engagement to improve insights management.
Within3 CEO at the Mexico Health Summit

The way pharmaceutical and medical device teams engage with key opinion leaders and patients is changing. After more than a year of communicating and collaborating via video calls, many organizations are adopting a better strategy. Instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all approach, teams need to accommodate complexity, compliance, and multiple stakeholders. How can they ensure they’re getting the most from these interactions while providing the best experience for stakeholders? This topic was the focus of discussion at the recent Mexico Health Summit event.

In this video, Within3 CEO Lance Hill talks with Estefania Torres, Therapeutic Area Lead at Takeda, about how teams are getting deeper, more actionable feedback from KOLs by shifting to a more holistic approach to insights management. This approach includes using asynchronous engagement to augment face-to-face or live virtual interaction to provide higher quality insight.

Top tips for successful hybrid virtual engagement from Takeda’s Torres included:

  • Sharing knowledge and experience with peers
  • Having a plan for internal adoption of new insight-gathering approaches
  • Defining the needs of KOLs

Listen to the discussion and catch up with the event Twitter chat.

Mexico Health Summit: Going Beyond the Video Call featuring Estefania Torres of Takeda & Lance Hill, Within3 from Within3 on Vimeo.

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