August 21, 2020

Medical aesthetics virtual advisory board, APAC

A medical affairs team needed insights on the use of a procedure among aestheticians in Mainland China and Taiwan. Within3 worked with the team to design a 10-day session with different question types to obtain quantitative and qualitative feedback. At the conclusion of the over-time session, the aestheticians participated in a live webcast to discuss the results of the advisory board.
medical aesthetics advisory board


A medical affairs team within a leading global pharmaceutical company wanted to obtain insights on the use of a specific procedure among aestheticians from Mainland China and Taiwan.

The team’s objectives included:

  1. Gather insights about the real-world practice of the procedure
  2. Discuss patient selection strategy and satisfaction assessment
  3. Understand decisions around adverse event management and monitoring


The team used the Within3 insights management platform to hold a 10-day virtual advisory board with 9 aestheticians from Mainland China and Taiwan. During the session, participants responded to 17 open-ended and multiple-choice questions. During the session, which was conducted in Chinese, moderators could see the aestheticians’ responses and ask follow-up questions or probe for more information. Questions in the session included Based on your experience, what kind of follow-up treatment plan will you provide for dissatisfied patients? and If delayed pain occurs, how will you provide treatment and communication?




By using different question types across three sections of content, the aestheticians could easily stay engaged throughout their time on the platform, or stop and return to the session when it was convenient for them. Because the platform is accessible on any connected device, participants were able to contribute to the session on their schedule. After the medical aesthetics advisory board, the participants joined a live webcast to further discuss the results.


Participants Responses

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