November 25, 2020

Shortening timelines for multiple market research studies

Commercial teams rely on feedback from HCPs to ensure a holistic understanding of the market. Conducting this research can be complex and time-consuming, with long planning cycles and unpredictable results.

Commercial teams rely on feedback from HCPs to ensure a holistic understanding of the market. Conducting this research can be complex and time-consuming, with long planning cycles and unpredictable results. How can business teams ensure a consistent approach to gathering input from different types of prescribers?

Learn how one commercial team established an initiative to contract a group of prescribers to provide feedback periodically throughout the year – giving the team the flexibility to quickly obtain input from particular types of specialists or stakeholders depending on emerging needs.


A commercial team needed to conduct market research around several topics related to biologic agents. Conducting this research through face-to-face interactions presented a series of complex challenges, including the need for separate market studies held in different locations – all requiring significant time to plan and execute and considerable costs associated with honoraria and travel expenses. Primary objectives for the research studies included:


  1. Obtain a better understanding of the management and treatment of a specific disease
  2. Identify when HCPs will assess the cause of the disease
  3. Understand how HCPs use biologic agents to treat the disease
  4. Evaluate a newly developed patient profile, and determine how well it reflects a patient eligible for biologics
  5. Gauge overall receptivity to a creative concept and its ability to motivate HCPs to prescribe a specific biologic.



Due to the complexity of the research and the time and costs involved in conducting the studies, the commercial team decided to reach out to their group of experts via the Within3 insights management platform. The team contracted advisors across four prescriber segments, allowing the commercial team to engage separately with each segment and specialist to compare responses.


The advisors participated in 30-minute live webcast orientations to review objectives and requirements, with additional instruction about using the platform from the Within3 client success team. Following the orientation, each prescriber segment answered questions within a separate virtual room during a week-long over-time session.

Questions in the session included Does the example patient profile reflect patients you see in your practice? and Thinking about your prescribing over the last 3-6 months, which biologic agent or agents are you prescribing for new patients and why?



The commercial team was able to conduct its critical research across multiple prescriber segments without travel or incurring extra costs. By engaging prescribers in separate virtual rooms during the same period, the team was able to shorten planning and execution time and could easily compare results from different segments and individual prescribers.

Advisor responses
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