
Checklist: Three steps to better insights management

If you’re interested in exploring how a more holistic approach to insights management can benefit your organization, it’s not necessary to do everything at once. Here are three clear steps to get started.

Double-check your disease community or area of focus

When was the last time you examined the key influencers in your disease community? Using technology to understand important networks for a specific project can reveal valuable sources of insight. Consider:

  • How might an updated, data-supported view of your disease community change your KOL outreach?
  • Are your current key opinion leaders still the top influencers, and can you leverage experts who are highly influential among patient communities or other healthcare providers?
  • Could you glean new insights by adding new individuals from different fields of expertise?

Hold a hybrid or asynchronous engagement with involved moderators

You don’t have to go 100% asynchronous. Try the following:

  • Consider a hybrid format where pre- or post-work takes place on an anytime platform, and a peer-to-peer discussion or presentation occurs via webcast.
  • Kick-off your next engagement with an introductory webcast for that all-important personal interaction, and elicit more in-depth feedback during a virtual advisory session.

Enable quick outcome-based actions

Quick generation of key highlights is an essential part of most engagements. With an executive summary in hand within a few weeks, your team is freed from manually chasing down information and pushing projects across the finish line. Instead, insights management technology pulls you closer to your goal.

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