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October 25, 2023

5 recommendations for introducing AI in medical affairs

New tech brings new challenges, but you can prepare with these expert tips.
ai in medical affairs

At Fierce MASS West, Within3 Vice President of Product Commercialization and Training Natalie DiMambro presented a talk about how medical affairs leaders can demonstrate value when incorporating new technology tools into their workstream. How does this apply to AI in medical affairs?

Natalie broke down some of the typical challenges medical affairs teams face when bringing new technology to their broader organization, along with strategies to address each. Here are her top recommendations.

#1 – Prepare for implementation challenges

It’s essential to recognize that introducing new technologies will have operational challenges. The hurdles are not just with the systems but also with the people, their acceptance of new tools and processes, and overall adaptability. Proper planning and change management can help manage these challenges.

#2 – Measurement is essential, both quantitative and qualitative

While quantitative data like script lift is critical, qualitative data gathered through methods like surveys are also important. Consistent data collection provides insights into the impact of programs and interventions over time. Teams must identify what they are trying to achieve with a technology or tool and find the best way to measure its impact.

#3 – Get up to speed with different types of tools

It’s up to medical affairs leaders to educate themselves and their teams about what tools are available, including generative AI for summarizing insights, social listening for monitoring online conversations, compliant engagement platforms for virtual interactions, and automated virtual report generation. Some tools will be a more immediate fit, while others will require more of a learning curve for individuals and teams.

#4 – Ensure integration with business functions

Once a tool is selected, it’s time to integrate it with critical business functions. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here – while more complex tools might require IT buy-in and collaboration, others will affect different processes and require more of a training approach.


Why pharma needs change management to make tech more effective

This short podcast discusses why pharma change management is so difficult and how to handle it bravely and effectively.

Questions to ask your insights management vendor

Bringing on new tech can be tricky. If you’re in the market for insights management, here are five questions to ask your insights management vendor so you can ensure a successful partnership.

#5 – Establish productive partnerships

These solutions come from outside your organization, so building strong partnerships with technology providers ensures continuous feedback and iterative improvement. It’s a two-way street, with both sides needing to communicate and adjust according to feedback. Remember – no technology can solve organizational challenges alone, so be prepared to invest time working with your vendor partner to achieve good results.

Embracing new technology is necessary for medical affairs as it continues to develop as a strategic pillar of the broader organization, and part of this strategic role will include reckoning with the question of AI in pharma. The focus should be on ensuring the tools are effectively integrated, measurements are appropriate, and teams are educated. Collaborative partnerships between teams and tech providers can help in smoother implementation and better outcomes. It’s also important to remember that as quickly as technology is advancing, it’s the people using it who will determine whether or not it succeeds.

Listen along to the full presentation or scroll down to read the transcript.

Event transcript: Demonstrating value and impact with technology tools in medical affairs

Natalie DiMambro, Within3
Welcome, everybody. Thank you for having me here today. My name is Natalie DiMambro. I work within the training and solutions team at my company. There we go. And what that means is I work with teams like yours to bring these technology solutions into your workflows, and to help with training, and also help with training with my own team.

So as this technology evolves, we’re finding that training is a big, integral part of these tools being successful. So as a trainer, This is music to my ears because we can work together with teams like yours. And it’s less about a, whether or not you want to buy the thing and more about how is this going to fit into your workflow?

What is your team construct look like? Can we come in there and be successful in helping meet your goals? And I, as we go through the slides, you’re going to see some familiar topics already from this morning, and I swear we didn’t. Plan our slides or our topics, but it seems like not only the industry partners here today, but also the technology partners are really aligned with what’s important and what we’re going to need to do to move forward really together as a partnership.

So you can do next slide.

There you go. So 30 minutes. So we’re going to go through this quickly. Some of the slides that I have for today are for reference. So some of the things that we’re going to talk about, I have a couple of reference points in there for takeaways. So again, little busy slide, but at least you’ll have something afterwards.

But I do want to level set. I think Lori did a great job of talking about where we are with medical affairs. I’ll talk about that a little bit further with an operational headset on. Then we’re going to go into our favorite thing, the challenges of operations when we’re taking on technology. So I have three good examples for you, but I’m sure we could come up with many more together.

Then we’ll also talk about some of these technology tools that are being offered for medical affairs very briefly, because really that’s the point of the next two days is for you to visit with each of the vendors and the partners in the room, and to find out what the technology tool does, and so that you can apply it thoughtfully.

The this back to my glasses. So the last thing we’ll talk about is how to take some of those technology tools and think about your business function so that you can bring them into your groups and in a way that makes sense so that you can show value for medical affairs in your organizations. Next slide.

All right, so mine’s a very simplistic version of what Lori had, but really, we know medical affairs has evolved over many years what started maybe as field force and a one way or two way data pull into a group of people has now turned into a hub or a center of excellence, medical excellence, medical affairs center of excellence.

So you have all of these different areas within your Okay. Center of excellence and each one of them is pulling in data from all different sources So I often think of medical affairs teams as the processor the insights processor So many of you are taking in data sources and you’re analyzing it within your teams And then you’re serving it up to various audiences or stakeholders in a way that’s either educational Informative or strategic so it’s an important part Of the overall organization and that itself is value, right?

But how do we prove that? One of the things that’s been happening, and I don’t have to tell you guys this, it’s stating the obvious, is those data sources have increased. We have a lot of data coming in from all different places and it’s coming in really fast. So herein lies the reason for technology.

Data’s coming in. We can’t keep up with it. We’re going to have to bring in something to help accommodate. So it’s, there’s nothing we have to look at it. We have to understand it. We have to understand how to bring it in thoughtfully. But that really is the reason all these technology tools are surfacing.

What they can do is. Reduced gaps in that data. So what I can do personally, as a human, is only this much. So I’m not seeing the whole picture. We know that from a scientific perspective, there’s bias in that. We’re not expanding out our groups enough to really know what the truth is. So we need to reduce those data gaps.

The other thing we know is that technology will help us to increase those data sources. So again, increasing our sample size of information that’s coming back. And then also, Again, that word insight that we have all been training on and talking about over the past year, but reducing the time to insight or reducing the time to action data without an actionable or strategic meaning to it really is not useful, and it can be wasteful within the company.

So we really need to think about how we’re going to take all this data in how we’re going to process it, analyze it, apply it to our strategic initiatives, and then actually. And the field and utilize it to serve the patients and the healthcare professionals that we need to meet with and support.

That’s a quick overview and we’ll go back to this hub a little bit later because we’ll talk about some of these business functions. Let’s keep going. As we all heard already, and I told you, a lot of these teams are the same as our previous presenters, but to realize the value and impact of technology, we are going to have to overcome a few operational challenges.

Everything’s changing. The technology is changing, our strategic initiatives are changing, how the workforce within our organizations is changing with that, there are people involved that are going to experience those changes. Let’s talk about just three of them today in the essence of time, but I’d love to hear about other challenges as we move through the day and tomorrow that you’ve all experienced.

These are just the most common ones. This isn’t just for medical affairs. This is just anywhere where there’s people involved, you’re going to find these organized these operational challenges. Related to perhaps your day to day and see if it resonates. You can go to the next slide. So our 1st favorite 1.

Resistance to change anybody experience this either personally or with team members show hands. It’s pretty common. In fact, if you go to the next slide, I think it’s 72, you can, yeah, there you go. 72 percent of change that are transformational initiatives within companies typically will fail due to this one.

So resistance, but resistance isn’t always what you think it is. Sometimes feels and having brought on technology into my own team, sometimes it feels like resistance is maybe insubordination. Somebody’s just, has an issue with what your idea was. So it can feel like a lot of different things, but actually resistance can have many different origins.

So it’s something to think about. One thing I do want to focus or stress on is that when we talk about change or change in, business systems or technology or organizational change, the organization is not changing. People are changing. So resistance is just a concept that people experience for many different reasons.

I think Lori mentioned it in one of her slides as well. The first one is mindset. So if my mindset isn’t in a place to accept or to move forward with this new change, in this case technology, we’re not going to be able to do it. And so as a business leader, or maybe as a team leader, I have to really know and understand the mindset of my team.

So why would, some team members maybe resist or not have the mindset for maybe a new technology tool? Sometimes it can be because maybe you brought in the tool yourself. So all the medical affairs leaders in here, maybe the operational leaders, sometimes our IT Partners will bring the tool on, but not everybody using the tool has been acclimated to it.

They haven’t been part of the buying process. They haven’t been educated on what the tool will do. They actually may not even know why we need the tool or what it’s going to help me to do. So the first point I want to make, can you go back a slide? Thanks. The first point I want to make is that when you’re bringing on new tech, think about bringing the users in before you bring the tech on.

This is going to make your time to impact or time to value with that tool much quicker. If we start a kickoff, maybe have a new tool and start to onboard. And the first two months are just convincing the team members that this is going to help them. We’ve already fallen behind. So we want to be able to bring in your tech partners ahead of time, figure out ways to get the whole team acclimated.

And if people don’t realize why the tool is being brought on and there’s a good business reason for it, or maybe a risk to the company, if we don’t do this, then typically they’re not going to buy in. And that’s going to be different for everybody on the team. So you may have one person we call, the quick adopter.

They may get it and they may move along, but what about these other folks? Maybe they’re just not into it, or you don’t really know. You do need to identify and find out. The next 1 is keep going back. Not yet. I’ll say next slide when I’m ready. So identify the skills gaps next. So again, you saw this in a previous slide training is key.

You have a multi generational. Multibackground workforce that’s coming into these medical affairs teams, which is wonderful because you’re bringing all these different experiences, but you actually may not understand what technology experience they have from their previous role. They may have used a different tool and loved it.

Now you’re bringing on this new tool and it feels like this isn’t what I want to do. This isn’t what I did before. You may just have people on the team who just aren’t able to use the technology. And so what may look like resistance or insubordination is actually fear. They’re just nervous.

They’re not comfortable in the platform. They have maybe issues using Excel and this feels like that. Or maybe they haven’t been trained thoroughly when they got their previous tools. So identify those skills gaps, know that they’re there and then address them on an individual level. And sometimes you’ll find groups of people who Have the same skills gaps and then you can group them together.

And again, technology partners here in the room can vouch for all of us. I think to say is we will help you with this because typically the skills needed to use a certain tool. All of our clients need the same skills. So we have programs that we’ve set up to help expedite that. And then finally, just identifying potential risks within the workflow.

So this one is so super important because as an operations person, I’ve set up a workflow in teams over the past 20 years in pharma. I feel like they’re tenuous. They’re sensitive. There’s people involved. A lot of times they’re overstressed for many reasons. And so you have this workflow, and maybe they’re all used to doing the same thing, and they’re in this nice pattern every day, and everybody knows their role, and they’ve put in just enough time so they can get all their things done, and there’s not another minute left in the day.

And here I come. With this new technology, toss it in there. You’re going to use this going forward. And we haven’t actually talked about how that workflow is going to change. So again, the same solve for all of these is talking about it before you bring the tool on. Because if you bring the tool on, there’s a heavier expectation.

To succeed faster and to change an operational workflow can take a little bit of time. So we want to respect the workflow, the people in it, and know that for them to change and buy into whatever you’re bringing on, we’re going to have to maybe take the time to assess, look at the risks. If we bring this on, how will that change how my field force is, operating?

Are they, typing in certain. Observations in the field, but those observations aren’t in the same way that their colleagues are. And now I’m pulling in data. That’s disparate. So we want to think about those risks to the workflow and if there’s training that we can bring on ahead of time, we’ll do that because at the end of the day.

Once you on board, it’s time to go. So you have to start making an impact as soon as possible because that’s the return on investment. Everybody wants to hear about. So you can go to the next slide now. Thanks challenge number two. Adoption. So time to adoption. You can see our adoption curve here. You know who the innovators are.

We know the early adopters. They take these tools and they figure them out. They’ll work it into their workflow pretty quickly and they’ll get their team on board. And that’s great. We have a lot of those out in the field as well. It’s how we’ve been able to grow our business because they help give us feedback also as well about what’s working and what’s not.

But we can’t ignore the rest of the group. You can go to the next slide. For medical affairs teams to be, to benefit from these tools that they’re bringing on, to be able to show the benefit to your C suite and your management, you will need to figure out adoption milestones and to get the users to use the tool.

So you can bring on the best tool in the world. It can solve all of your problems. But if you have 2 percent or 10 percent user base of your 100% we’re going to have a problem. You’re not going to meet the expectations of anybody involved. So there are ways that we can work on adoption milestones.

Typically, our team will go in and set those up based on the client. They’re not going to be the same for each team. And I think that’s really important. There has to be a realistic milestone set. We’ll usually go in and talk about what critical event are we trying to meet? Cause you’re always backing up from that.

So say ASCO is your critical event and that’s where you’re going to need all of this information. You’re going to need everybody using the tool by that point. If you pull that tool on, maybe in April and the onboarding and the adoption is not set to be at a hundred percent until, mid summer, We have a problem.

So you want to back up a little bit from your critical date. So we’ll do that as a solutions team. We’ll come in and talk to team members and ask like what you’re bringing on the tool for a reason. You have an idea and it’s probably a really good one. Tell us what that is so that we can work back from that date and put some adoption milestones in and then some engagement milestones in so that the team is using the tool by the time you get to that event.

It’s super important. Because the stress of these big events, and this goes a great example, the stress of these events is not the time to learn the tool. You want to be able to be using it, engaging with it, in whatever regular cadence that you would be, whatever the tool is, it can apply to any of them before that critical milestone hits.

Makes sense? You can switch to the next slide. A little bit of a fear factor here, but what happens if you don’t, get that adoption. And as somebody who works within a one year licensed model technology tool this is what keeps us up at night, every day, the team members, the clients, everybody involved, because we want to partner with you and show value with the tool.

We’ve created this tool specifically from feedback from your teams so that we can solve the challenges that we know you’re facing. When we see that nobody’s using the tool, it’s really frustrating on all parts. So first and foremost, you can’t have an ROI discussion if the team isn’t using the tool.

It’s a waste of time because you could show some key markers, maybe with a few people who are using it, but it’s not going to be enough to realize the benefit overall or why the tool was built. So having that adoption early and having a plan for it, again, I’m going to say before you kick off, if possible, even just to talk about it with your partners is a really good idea.

And it doesn’t have to be, Time everything is virtual. Now we can do it online. Your partners are well equipped to present training and onboarding plans in a way that fits your needs. But I would say make the time for it because it makes the investment worth the while down the road. Back channel frustration.

This is a virtual thing as well But you know when you’ve brought on a tool and we haven’t gotten everybody using it And so now you have some people using it some people not If you’re trying to implement and meet different milestones and you just have this, undercurrent of negativity, or they’re just, they’re not buying this whole thing.

It’s just not going to be able to achieve your goals. And now you have this other thing on your plate or to do list, which is, we got to get this technology up and working when I’m really trying to meet the milestones at ASCO. So we don’t want that to be the case. And your reputation is on the line.

You’ve brought in the tool that doesn’t, I don’t undervalue that at all. I go to bat a lot for my own company for tools that I brought on. And I need to find a way to get the field force to use them and find value from them and then quickly assess, is there something that we can do to increase that value or to increase that utilization, I want to be able to bring in tools cause I know maybe have a few more.

Pieces of information about how much we need to bring in or how much data is out there that we need to analyze. And I know that humans have a limitation. So I may have a little bit more insight. But again, you’re procuring something. You want to make sure that the whole team, agrees and understands why you’re bringing it on.

And that will also increase trust with you and your team members. So they see that they have a huge challenge. You’ve said, I’m going to bring this tool on because it’s going to help solve this challenge. And not only that. It’s so important to the business that I’m going to put training together so that you can use the tool quickly, and we’re going to make time in your day to do because if we don’t do that, the tool will not be valuable.

We won’t be able to show any return on it. Make sense so far? You can go ahead. Next slide. We’ll get to it. Challenge three, and this is also a couple of questions, and I didn’t plant that question either in the in the audience, but measuring the value and impact of technology. So you’ve gotten your group on board, they’re adopting, they’re using it, and you feel like, wow, this is pretty impressive, like I can feel a change in the way people are working.

People are starting to work together and collaborate and whatever the tool is, in our case it’s virtual engagement and sites management. And. Things feel pretty good. How do I express that to those, above me that I have to present a return on investment for this? You can click to the next slide.

We find this challenge, and this has been a challenge of ours as well, because just as medical affairs teams are trying to present the value as your partners, we are trying to be a partnership in presenting value and making a difference in your strategic plans. Use a rule of thumb working with teams.

There’s not one measurement to apply to all of these tools. So maybe just thinking that off the bat. I always start when I’m working with teams and we’re going to create a an ROI or a business report that they’re going to pass up to talk about the tool will really look at what purpose is the tool being brought on to solve.

So if I’m being brought on to solve maybe reduce time with my field force, engaging with KOLs and maybe do some of that virtually and that’s an hourly cost right because I’m sending people out in the field there’s a travel expense with that. So maybe instead of Looking at, an overall cost savings of the large tool.

Maybe I can measure time saved in the field to accomplish whatever insight, we gained from that initiative. So you want to think of why you’re bringing the tool on and then align those measurements with it. And I would say probably most of the people in this room, coming from scientific backgrounds, it’s like you’re setting up a study, right?

You’re not going to use a measurement for something that isn’t going to be effective. So you talk about the different things that are important to your team. What are the things that are going to change? Why am I bringing this tool on board? And then I’m going to set up my measurements and even the end points for that.

What are the success measures based on that? And then that’s something your vendor partners can work with you and demonstrate to you. And that kind of gives them what’s important to you as well, which is an important thing. If I’m showing you, this many people engaged and that’s not something that’s important to your team, we’ve got to find out something that is so that you can present it to your leadership in a way that’s effective for your business model.

You can go through the other of these, but just one I’d like to call out is surveys. I think we talked about it a little bit, but we so focus, especially with our commercial partners leading the way here and always talking script lift. We so focus on quantitative, but qualitative here is super important.

Qualitative with just an N of one isn’t always effective. So we do need to be consistent in our surveys. I think it was Melanie who said up front, or it was somebody said that, you’re finding out what they did before. And then you’re looking at the change, and then you’re finding out how that was for them or after.

If we can do that on a consistent basis, you’ll start to get some good data sets where impact is made. So if I’m, just using an example from a training perspective, if I’m working with KOLs in a virtual engagement platform, and they’re supposed to learn, something about a specific topic, a scientific topic that I’m teaching them about in this platform, I’m going to understand in the beginning, what is your comfort level?

With talking about this, and then I’m going to do the program. In our case, it’s a three week virtual engagement, and then I’m going to survey them again, and I’m going to say, now, what is your comfort level as a result of having this engagement? If you get enough of that data, you’re going to have an understanding of whether or not the program, not just the tool, but also how the questions were formatted, how it was facilitated how effective was it?

So think about the measurement as a, as part of what you’re trying to do, and then the next slide, you can go ahead and turn. These are just some examples. So this is one of those reference slides answering the question. What do we measure if it’s not script lift? There’s lots of things you can measure to show impact.

The thing you have to think about is what’s going to be important to your team. Every team is going to be different. What are you trying to do? So all of those business functions that we showed within medical affairs, they’re going to have different measurements as well. It could be that. I’m, in the past I’ve been only using live meetings and I could only reach 24 people a year because I did two ad boards with whatever the messaging that I’m trying to get out there.

And that was hindering us, right? Maybe that’s hindering us as a team. So I need to reach more people. If I bring on a tool or I find one of the KOL selection tools out there that broadens that reach, and I can then quantify who I’m reaching now as a result of the tool, that’s huge. You’ve expanded your universe and your connections and your network for your team, and that is really valuable and it’s valuable to the company.

If there’s ways that you can show those and then work together with your technology partners to come up with a presentation of that, I would suggest trying to do it because this is all new and we’re all figuring it out together. You can go to the next slide. What’s next? You figured out the challenges.

Maybe you’ve overcome them, or at least you thought about it ahead of time with your team and you’re coming into this without any blind spots. Now we need to actually understand the technology tools that are out there. So you can flip to the next slide. These were some of them that were mentioned already, and you’ll have your technology partners in the room today as you walk around we’ll be talking about these.

I use generative AI instead of chat GPT because generative AI is the private more compliant, whereas our security people in the room. We wouldn’t use chat GPT for any information that’s secure, but social listening in pharma. Compliant engagement, virtual report generation that’s going to start to be automated.

Those can be summarized reports that are being generated from different types of technology tools. I heard dashboards earlier as well. And then of course, the services that go along with all of this because technology itself is not going to solve the problem. There is a service component and all of the room will give you some of that based on what you’re looking to accomplish.

So maybe a first step. Once you’ve figured out what you’re going to bring on, or even talk to the teams about what you’d like to do or accomplish, get a little bit of education and collect that from the room today on some of the innovation that’s out there, that’s been really specifically designed for medical affairs.

You can flip to the next slide. Once you do that, then you start to think about where those technologies will fit within the business functions. So going back to our hub, and you can do two clicks here because it’s an animation. I don’t remember what to say. Think about the challenges for each of those groups.

What are those operational challenges? Go in without any blind spots, then look at the areas of the business. Which one actually needs something? What are we going to bring on? We’re going to learn about the tools and now let’s talk about a couple of use cases that we can refer back to so you can go to the next slide.

There you go. So again, busy slide, but this is really meant to give you guys some examples. Just a technology that I showed you. So those eight boxes that were up front, these are some of the ways those could be applied to business function. So I’ve just listed a few. These are use cases that all of your technology partners are aware of and know about and have used successfully with other clients.

So ask for them. Ask for them. If my challenge is I’m trying to reduce time on a publication submission, give me some examples of how your tool has done that. How much time can you save? Because that time saved is going to be my measurement, right? If I’m shaving three months off of a submission timeline, I can actually equate that operationally to the man hours that would have been in that time.

Or maybe there’s a, a milestone dollar wise that if we meet a certain time that we can equate it to so think about the business function and just know that’s not going to be one tool for everything. I think that’s an important understanding as well. You may have to have tools for different functions that have their own measurements and their own training program.

And if you start to go enterprise wide, know that, I think this was an earlier question as well. Does this live in IT or does this live within the business function? As it starts broadening out, you will start to bring in the IT partners and it can be measured in a different way. So it’s a lot of stakeholders to bring together when you just need to, figure out what the field force is doing and get those insights in quicker.

So think about maybe starting, I think it was good guidance that Melanie had or Lori had that start with your individual team. Work there, procure the tool for them, show some benefit and value, and then spread it out to other teams. Another good example, just we have another minute or so using generative AI to summarize those insights coming in.

So that would be a field force example. How would I measure that? How many, observations can I analyze and report on by myself as, one person? Now let’s compare that to the amount of insights that I’m gathering and reporting on using the tool. It’s a good way to show speed to impact, as well as, again, you’re reducing man hours because that would have been time that somebody had to use the tool.

So you’ll have this to look at afterwards. Let’s go to the conclusion here. So why are we going to go through all of this? Feels like a lot. I can say that. I’m taking a breath. But this is where we have to go. Information is coming in quickly. We are in charge within our respective organizations.

Processing that information and data and serving it up. In a way that is gonna be meaningful for our companies, for patients, for healthcare professionals. And, medicine needs this. They need this. So we’re gonna have to work together to figure out how to do it, how to do it as partners, and iterate as we learn from each other.

So we’ll finish with some key takeaways that you guys can think about. Next slide. So sad to say, but first key takeaway isn’t the greatest news, but just expect operational challenges for me, I think. The expectation sometimes helps you to realize the reality of it all. I know that these challenges are there.

Remember, it’s not the organization that’s changing. It’s the people within the organization that are going to have to change and adopt and be trained on and start to utilize the tool. So just expect that when there’s humans involved, there’s going to be different levels of acceptance and moving forward and skillset.

So just plan for that. And I would suggest plan for it before you bring the tool on because it’s a lot of stress for everybody involved when you start to think of those things after you’ve done your kickoff meeting. So think about it ahead of time and bring your partner in to talk about it ahead of time.

I would say, match the measurement to the technology tool. We talked a little bit about measurement. I’d love to hear your thoughts later today as we’re walking around and thinking about these things. But, what are you trying to measure? Why did you bring the tool on? And can we find a measurement that will show a variance between before and after the tool?

It’s not always going to be script lift. And I think, our, Senior leadership is used to measuring things a certain way. I saw a sheet the other day, I was in procurement 20 years ago, I worked within a procurement department and we just showed cost savings and that was our whole value in the department.

That was what we measured ourselves and our team on. We see some of the same sheets still being used out there as measuring value. And these are tools that have evolved 20 years later. And we’re not even doing the same engagement methods anymore, so we have to figure out a way to evolve the measurement, and we have to think about what we’re trying to measure.

Moving on, educate your business teams, get those products and innovative tools circulated, use the time, to get information here today, get it out to everybody so they know what they’re working with. You can remember to have partnership with your technology partners. I think this is going to be huge for all of us.

I think it shows a lot that all of our Themes today are aligned because it shows this need for partnership that there isn’t, there aren’t the answers yet. We’re going to iterate and evolve the answers as we talk to each other, as we create a continuous feedback loop. So as you start using the tool, that means giving feedback to your partner to make sure that they can adjust it for those workflows.

We understand that each of your teams operates differently and we just need to know, if we have to get an adoption metric met. We actually need access to help train the people. So these are things that we can all do together with the idea that the humans involved are going to help the technology advance.

That’s it. I want to thank you all. I think I’m right at time. One minute to go. So I want to thank you so much for the time today and I look forward to meeting you all out there.

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