August 22, 2023

CEO Lance Hill in Gold Magazine

Medical affairs organizations are seeking effective applications for advanced technologies.
insights innovation for medical affairs

What’s the next frontier in insights innovation for medical affairs? In Gold Magazine, Saša Janković writes about how medical affairs can achieve efficiencies by standardizing and modernizing the insight-gathering processes. While these professionals are no strangers to gathering data and insights to inform their strategies, they may have yet to take full advantage of opportunities presented by the advent of social media monitoring, artificial intelligence, and advancing analytics technologies.

Within3 CEO Lance Hill says that the first step is for medical affairs organizations to recognize that how they handle insights isn’t working well. “It’s not for lack of information – in fact, data is proliferating at a pace many organizations find overwhelming,” he says, “but information, data points, and observations aren’t insights.”

Hill warns against the risk of losing intelligence in documents, emails, meeting notes, and transcripts. This can lead to teams making decisions based on incomplete or outdated information.

This creates a problem for medical affairs organizations, says Stephen Aherne, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Leader at PwC. “Many insights are lost because there’s no process for collecting, storing, and analyzing them effectively.”

Advanced technology – such as social listening in pharma or AI in pharma – could solve this challenge. In Janković’s words, these solutions can help medical affairs leaders “separate the wheat from the chaff” and effectively use the valuable insights they gather.

Read the full article in Gold Magazine.

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